To go past the backhand of a defender by faking a pass over their forehand first.




The ball is next to your right foot and the left foot is behind (not indicated). Both knees are bend.

Your stick is in a straight line with you underarm behind the ball, your back straight and your head up.


Step to the left as indicated whilst guiding the ball past to your left foot.

Weight shifts to the front of your left foot, your body is still straight upish whilst moving the ball.

Fake a pass to the left and continue to move your stick head around the ball.

Swiftly pull the ball to the right across.

Shift your weight from left to the right whilst stepping sideways away from your opponent.


The fake pass requires looking to where you would pass including body/shoulder twist.

Please please move the ball sharp square to the right and not shoddily angled sideways.

You might get away with it now but possibly not in the (distant) future.